Saturday, March 3, 2018

Harold Martin

Either Denny Denfield or Bob Mizer took this photograph of Harold Martin on a joint photo shoot in Joshua Tree, California.

As you might know, I'm currently sorting through Denny Denfield's negatives at the Bob Mizer Foundation. When you jump to this post on my Mike The Content Producer blog, you can read a bit about this gig.

I haven't yet reached Martin's images, as I sort through the negatives by the models' names in alphabetical order. I should know which photographer took this image in a few weeks.


  1. I am having trouble reconciling these pictures of Harold Martin with that shown in AMG 1000 models pag 43. The models look Totallly different in my view from cheek bone, chin and ear structure to body mass. I would be interested to learn the source of this identification.
