Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Helmut Riedmeier Photographed by Arax Studio

In 1969, Arax Studio took this photograph of Helmut Riedmeier.

Bob Rome and Robert John Photographed by Bruce of Los Angeles

Bruce of Los Angeles took this photograph of Bob Rome and Robert John.

Unknown Models Photographed by Lon

After so many years of collecting and sorting vintage beefcake photographs, I am astonished I have never seen any of these models photographed by Lon.

As Reed Massengill relates in his book, The Male Ideal: Lon of New York and the Masculine Physique, the bulk of Lon's negatives and photographs were either sold off to collectors (often with none of the proceeds going to Lon) or destroyed by law-enforcement officials in the years when photographing nude adults was illegal in the United States.

It's best not to dwell on what's been lost.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Don Deckman Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

If you read what I write in these posts while you collect the images, then you likely know Don Deckman is one of my favorite models posing in the early 1960's.

The Athletic Model Guild took this excellent photograph.

Fred DeLuca Photographed by Frank Collier

 Frank Collier took this photograph of Fred DeLuca.

Rick Wayne

I don't know who took this photograph of Rick Wayne.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Unknown Model Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

I still don't know the name of this model photographed by the Athletic Model Guild.

When you jump to this post on the blog, you can see another image of him.

Somewhere on my computer or in a book in the house, I have a photograph with his name.

Alex Aronis Photographed by Bruce of Los Angeles

Bruce of Los Angeles took this photograph of Alex Aronis.

George Walker Photographed by Pat Milo

Here's another photograph of George Walker taken by Pat Milo.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Doug Baumann, Bob Kiser, Joe Kiser and Ron Collette Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

The Athletic Model Guild took this photograph of Doug Baumann, Bob Kiser, Joe Kiser and Ron Collette.

Joe Marcy Photographed by Douglas of Detroit

I was pleased to liberate Joe Marcy from the "unknown models" pile when I saw these two magazine pages that indicate Bob Delmonteque took the photographs of him.

When you click on Marcy's name label directly below this post, you can see more images of this handsome model.

And I popped out of an older post of unknown models the four photographs you see here of Marcy taken by Douglas of Detroit.

Keith Lewin Photographed by the Western Photography Guild

The Western Photography Guild took this photograph of Keith Lewin.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017