Monday, January 29, 2018

Dave Lancaster Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

Here's a catalog of images of Dave Lancaster taken by the Athletic Model Guild to ensure you collect all the photographs.

Rick Wayne

I don't know who took this photograph of Rick Wayne.

John Hamill Photographed by Arax Studio

In 1965, Arax Studio took this photograph of John Hamill, who placed second in the Junior Mister Britain competition.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lyle Fox Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

The Athletic Model Guild took this photograph of Lyle Fox.

Jim Zanow Photographed by Bruce of Los Angeles

Bruce of Los Angeles took these photographs of Jim Zanow, who appears in the premiere issue of Bruce's magazine The Male Figure, published in 1956.

Johnnie Holden and Dick Fenley Photographed by Russ Warner

Already on this blog is a smaller, different version of this photograph taken by Russ Warner of Johnnie Holden posing with Dick Fenley.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jerry Jenkins Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

I must thank a generous fan of this blog for this photograph of Jerry Jenkins taken by Athletic Model Guild.

Kurt Freeman Photographed by Bruce of Los Angeles

Already on this blog is the color version of this photograph of Kurt Freeman taken by Bruce of Los Angeles.

Unknown Models Photographed by Lon

Lon took this photograph of these unknown models. You can see another image from this series when you jump to this post on the blog.