Thursday, November 25, 2010

Don Fuller

As you can plainly see by jumping here, here, here, and here on the blog, Don Fuller is one of my favorite beefcake models.

I have never seen a full frontal nude image of Don, so I am always excited when I come across a teasing photograph like this one.

He looks great - and a bit cornball - here as a cowboy missing most of his clothes.

I only wish I had a larger file of this image.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello, C! Thank you for taking the time to write and make suggestions on how to search the web for more pix. I do make regular rounds to various sources for more pix and to contribute images from my collection where I can. Google's blogging platform doesn't allow me to edit your content, only delete it - I wanted to remove the links you gave as they will be dead in due course. Thank you for the recommendations. Another reader of this blog has sent me outstanding images of Don that will appear on the blog shortly.
