Sunday, November 14, 2010

Warren Newman

UPDATED January 1, 2011: Here are five great images of Warren Newman, who modeled during the 1960's, when images of nude adults were being decriminalized in the United States.

A reader of this blog pointed out that a photograph that I originally included in this post was really of Paul Larson taken by David Martin.

I moved that image and added two others to a post dated today (January 1, 2011) to separate the series of images. I remain convinced these photographs are of the same model taken by different photographers at different times.


  1. Your first photo is Paul Larson here - not Warren

  2. Hello, SEA! Thank you for taking the time to write. I've seen this photo attributed to both models. I think all four look like Warren - Do you have another image of Paul Larson for comparison?

  3. Yes, I do. I wrote you an email today and can send it to you.
