Friday, December 14, 2012

Bill Grant Photographed by the Athletic Model Guild

In the 1960's, the Athletic Model Guild took these photographs of Bill Grant.


  1. African-American, Latino, and Asian models were so under-appreciated in the era, thank goodness for the photographers who did appreciate them and thank you for posting them Mike!

  2. Hello, James!

    Thank you for stopping by the blog. I enjoy working on it every day.

    Yes, even the late 1960's in America seems a world away from us today.

    Lon is one of my favorite photographers who took images of anyone who came to him in search of a great photographer for their portfolio. He does say in Reed Massengill's book, "The Male Ideal: Lon of New York and the Masculine Physique," that Latino Bill Cerdas was his most popular model. NY certainly seemed to have been a genuine melting pot of ethnicities and races in the 1940's through 1960's, as seen through Lon's exquisite lens.

    Best regards,

